Ashley M. Aitken (1993) Have Module, Need Architecture! . Psycoloquy: 4(47) Categorization (10)
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Psycoloquy 4(47): Have Module, Need Architecture!

Book Review of Murre on Categorization

Ashley M. Aitken
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of New South Wales,
PO Box 1, Kensington,


Murre's (1992a) book presents a new neural network module for unsupervised categorization in the style of ART (Carpenter & Grossberg, 1988). The book is relatively easy to read but progresses a little slowly in places. The local representation of the CALM module yields, amongst other things, a stable learning system. The competition driven arousal system yields the fast learning rate and dissociation between activation and elaboration learning. Also, with a slight modification, the CALM module can capture the topology in the input patterns. For those working on competitive learning systems this book is highly recommended. Although it has a distinct psychological flavor, it should appeal to the taste of most computer scientists interested in neural networks, and those neuroscientists interested in higher level models. CALM is a significant and interesting neural network module, very well thought out and well exercised. However, this book can only be the beginning, for, if CALM is the module, what is the architecture?


Neural networks, neurobiology, psychology engineering, CALM, Categorizing And Learning Module, neurocomputers, catastrophic interference, genetic algorithms.
