Bruce Bridgeman (1992) On Defining Consciousness:. Psycoloquy: 3(37) Consciousness (19)

Volume: 3 (next, prev) Issue: 37 (next, prev) Article: 19 (next prev first) Alternate versions: ASCII Summary
PSYCOLOQUY (ISSN 1055-0143) is sponsored by the American Psychological Association (APA).
Psycoloquy 3(37): On Defining Consciousness:

Reply to Wasserman on Bridgeman

Bruce Bridgeman
Dept. of Psychology
Kerr Hall UCSC
Santa Cruz, Ca. 95064
(408) 459-4005


Just about everything that Wasserman (1992) says is important and accurate. Perhaps, following Wasserman's strategic advice, the best course at present is to concentrate on tracking down plans in the hope that this leads eventually to the several forms of consciousness.


consciousness, language, plans, motivation, evolution, motor system
1.1 This will be another short reply because just about everything that Wasserman (1992) says is important and accurate. If we are to make progress in understanding consciousness, it is essential that empirical research be undertaken. But how are we to move forward in finding the roots of consciousness? We cannot rely on the comparative method as much as we have with other brain operations, because only humans possess some of the capabilities in question.

1.2 Neural research will succeed only if we know what we are looking for. If consciousness is essentially involved with the plan-executing apparatus, we have a place to start. Perhaps, following Wasserman's strategic advice, the best course at present is to concentrate on tracking down plans -- their organization, their neurological substrates, and the memory systems that support them -- and to hope that the effort leads eventually to the several forms of consciousness. If consciousness is the articulation of plans, the effort may not be as indirect as it seems.


Wasserman, Gerald S. (1992) Essentialism and Consciousness: Commentary on Bridgeman on Consciousness. PSYCOLOQUY 3(36) consciousness.18

Volume: 3 (next, prev) Issue: 37 (next, prev) Article: 19 (next prev first) Alternate versions: ASCII Summary