Chemero (1999) correctly criticizes the use of the concept of representation as an informationally rich reproduction of parts of the environment. His proposal to use instead the concept of an action oriented representation (AOR) may be useful in developing the organism-environment theory (Jarvilehto 1998a,b). However, such a representation cannot be located in the organism, but it should be regarded as the total organization of the organism-environment system determining (and representing) the result of action.
2. If the organism and the environment are only aspects of one and the same system then it is not possible to speak of representation, at least in the sense of the environment, or some of its features, somehow being reproduced in the organism, even in the form of the AOR. There are, however, ways of making a consistent interpretation of AOR in this context too. In this interpretation, AOR would simply be the structure of the whole system which determines how it functions and what results it achieves.
3. Hence, AOR "represents" the result of action of the system. This may sound strange, as this sort of representation would refer to something in the future: it would be a "representation" of something that had not yet been presented. However, as the result of action of the system is determined by its history, such a representation would also relate to the past. Thus, the AOR would be an intersection of the past and the future; its description would be the description of the momentary state of the organism-environment system.
4. I am sure representation will continue to be used as a central concept in psychology and neuroscience, despite arguments -- even cogent ones -- against its theoretical usefulness. This is because nowadays there is a real research industry trying to uncover the details of representations, both at the single cell level and using EEG/MEG techniques. But if representations do prove to be concepts similar to planetary epicycles then we will have to re-evaluate a large number of research results and programs. The question is accordingly not only an academic but a political one, impinging as it does on the personal interests of so many investigators.
I would like to thank Ms. Suzy McAnsh for the helpful reading of the reply.
Chemero A (1999) Codings at the Organism Side of the Organism-environment System. PSYCOLOQUY: 10(009) psyc.99.10.009.efference-knowledge.14.chemero
Jarvilehto, T. (1998a) Efferent Influences on Receptors in Knowledge Formation. PSYCOLOQUY 9(41) psyc.98.9.41.efference-knowledge.1.jarvilehto
Jarvilehto T (1998b) The theory of the organism-environment system: I. Description of the theory. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Sciences, 33, 317-330.