Claudia Brugman (1992) Spatial Cognition: the Perspective From Theoretical Semantics
. Psycoloquy: 3(45) Space (6)
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Psycoloquy 3(45): Spatial Cognition: the Perspective From Theoretical Semantics
Commentary on Bryant on Space
Claudia Brugman
Center for Research in Language
UC San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92094-0526
Bryant's ideas represent a promising direction for
research if a real collaboration among specialists on linguistic
semantics, human perception, and mental representation will result.
However, I have several concerns about the links proposed between
perceptual and linguistic representations as well as those
concerned with representations of space and location. My hope is
that serious progress will be made and that future research should
include the possibility that the most deeply entrenched of our
linguistic tools are also relevant to the issue of the
representation of space.
linguistics, prepositions, spatial cognition, semantics
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