Murray Singer (1993) Minimalism: a Hedged Analysis of Restricted Inference Processing
. Psycoloquy: 4(01) Reading Inference (2)
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Psycoloquy 4(01): Minimalism: a Hedged Analysis of Restricted Inference Processing
Commentary on Garnham and on Glenberg & Mathew on Reading-Inference
Murray Singer
Department of Psychology
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Canada R3T 2N2
In their articles Garnham (1992) and Glenberg and Mathew
(1992) agreed that a constructionist/mental-model approach provides
a comprehensive framework for the analysis of discourse inference
processes and that constructionist analysis does not entail
"complete" global representations. The minimal inference hypothesis
has several flaws and difficult to properly evaluate. Because of
information processing constraints, a better theory of restricted
inference processing is warranted.
constructionism, inference, mental models, minimalism,
reading, text comprehension.
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