Magne Arve Flaten (1994) What is Meant by "reductionism"?
. Psycoloquy: 5(04) Metapsychology (2)
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Psycoloquy 5(04): What is Meant by "reductionism"?
Book Review of Rakover on Metapsychology
Magne Arve Flaten
Department of Psychology
University of Tromso
N-9037 Tromso, Norway
The meaning of the term reductionism is discussed. It is
argued that reductionism is one of the ways in which psychology
makes progress, and philosophical arguments against reductionism
seem to have little impact on research in, for example, biological
behavior, causality, experimentation, explanation,
introspection, mind-body problem, observation, philosophy,
psychology, reductionism, science, theory.
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