Selmer Bringsjord (1994) What Robots can and Can't be . Psycoloquy: 5(59) Robot Consciousness (1)
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Psycoloquy 5(59): What Robots can and Can't be

[Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, 10 chapters, 380 pages]
Precis of Bringsjord on Robot-Consciousness

Selmer Bringsjord
Dept. of Philosophy, Psychology & Cognitive Science
Department of Computer Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180


This book argues that (1) AI will continue to produce machines with the capacity to pass stronger and stronger versions of the Turing Test but that (2) the "Person Building Project" (the attempt by AI and Cognitive Science to build a machine which is a person) will inevitably fail. The defense of (2) rests in large part on a refutation of the proposition that persons are automata -- a refutation involving an array of issues, from free will to Godel to introspection to Searle and beyond. The defense of (1) brings the reader face to face with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson as they tackle perhaps their toughest case (Silver Blaze); the upshot of this visit with Conan Doyle's duo is an algorithm-sketch for solving murder mysteries. The author's mechanical approach to writing fiction and the philosophical side of computerized story generation are also discussed.


behaviorism, Chinese Room Argument, cognition, consciousness, finite automata, free will, functionalism, introspection, mind, story generation, Turing machines, Turing Test.
