B.A.C. Saunders (1995) What can Caporael Offer Anthropology?
. Psycoloquy: 6(07) Group Selection (2)
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Psycoloquy 6(07): What can Caporael Offer Anthropology?
Commentary on Caporael on Group-Selection
B.A.C. Saunders
Centre for Social and Cultural Anthropology
University of Leuven
Tiensestraat 102
3000 Leuven (Belgium)
Anthropology having grown up coeval with Neo-Darwinian
biology, it reflects similar deficiencies. Caporael's reworking
therefore has significant implications for Anthropology. Her
sketch, however, raises questions urgently needing answers if the
"paradigm-shift" she is after is to be accepted.
developmental systems theory, group coordination, group
selection, hierarchy, human evolution, social cognition, social
identity, teleofunctionalism
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