Rolf Verleger (1995) Memory-related EEG Potentials: Slow Negativities,
. Psycoloquy: 6(27) Memory Brain (3)
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Psycoloquy 6(27): Memory-related EEG Potentials: Slow Negativities,
Commentary on Klimesch on Memory-Brain
Rolf Verleger
Department of Neurology
Medical University
D-23538 Luebeck
Klimesch's attempt at explaining memory processes by what
is known about EEG rhythms is impressive. However he fails in his
"speculative" attempt (as he calls it) to integrate event-related
EEG potentials (ERPs) into this picture. The ERP results discussed
in this commentary are presumably not incompatible with Klimesch's
approach, but require considerable differentiation of his
Alpha, EEG, Hippocampus, Memory, Oscillation, Thalamus,
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