Judith Rich Harris (1995) Individual Differences Within Human Groups
. Psycoloquy: 6(40) Group Selection (4)
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Psycoloquy 6(40): Individual Differences Within Human Groups
Commentary on Caporael on Group-Selection
Judith Rich Harris
54 Crawford Road
Middletown, NJ 07748
Caporael's (1995) target article discusses four topics in
evolutionary psychology. Of these, the most useful is her approach
to human social relations and her categorization of human groups
into four "core configurations" that vary in size and have
different functions. The least useful is her attack on behavioral
genetics. Caporael's theory does a good job of accounting for the
assimilatory aspects of group membership -- the fact that the
members of groups tend to acquire shared patterns of behavior and
cognition. However, the theory does not take sufficient account of
within-group individual differences.
developmental systems theory, group coordination, group
selection, hierarchy, human evolution, social cognition, social
identity, teleofunctionalism
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