Nick Haslam and Charles Cleland (1995) Core Configurations, Repeated Assemblies,
. Psycoloquy: 6(41) Group Selection (5)
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Psycoloquy 6(41): Core Configurations, Repeated Assemblies,
Commentary on Caporael on Group-Selection
Nick Haslam and Charles Cleland
Department of Psychology
New School for Social Research
65 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003,
Caporael's (1995) account of human sociality bears a
strong affinity to Fiske's (1991, 1992) theory of the elementary
forms of social relations. Convergences are noted, and divergences
are examined for complementarities of substance and emphasis.
developmental systems theory, group coordination, group
selection, hierarchy, human evolution, social cognition, social
identity, teleofunctionalism
- Caporael, L. R. (1995) Sociality: Coordinating Bodies, Minds and Groups. PSYCOLOQUY 6(1) group-selection.1.caporael.
- Fiske, A. P. (1991) Structures of social life: The four elementary forms of human relations. Free Press.
- Fiske, A. P. (1992) The four elementary forms of sociality: Framework for a unified theory of social relations. Psychological Review 99: 689-723.
- Fiske, A. P. (1993) The cultural relativity of selfish individualism. Review of Personality and Social Psychology 12: 176-214.
- Fiske, A. P., Haslam, N. & Fiske, S. T. (1991) Confusing one person with another: What errors reveal about the elementary forms of social relations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 60: 656-674.
- Haslam, N. (1994a) Categories of social relationship. Cognition 53: 59-90.
- Haslam, N. (1994b) Mental representation of social relationships: Dimensions, laws or categories? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 67: 575-584.
- Haslam, N. (1995) Four grammars for primate social relations. In Simpson, J. & Kenrick, D. (Eds.), Evolutionary social psychology, Lawrence Erlbaum, in press.