R. Edward Geiselman (1996) On the use and Efficacy of the Cognitive Interview
. Psycoloquy: 7(11) Witness Memory (2)
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Psycoloquy 7(11): On the use and Efficacy of the Cognitive Interview
Commentary on Memon & Stevenage on Witness-Memory
R. Edward Geiselman
Department of Psychology
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1563
The cognitive interview (CI) was developed for use by
law-enforcement investigators as an alternative to forensic
hypnosis. It is currently in use by most major police agencies in
the USA and the UK. The CI recently passed a Kelly-Frye challenge
in California. This commentary is in response to the cautions
raised by Memon and Stevenage (1996).
Cognitive interview, errors, eyewitness memory,
facilitated recall, police procedures, questioning, recovered
memories, structured interview.
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