Morris Goldsmith & Asher Koriat (1996) The Assessment and Control of Memory Accuracy
. Psycoloquy: 7(23) Witness Memory (9)
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Psycoloquy 7(23): The Assessment and Control of Memory Accuracy
Commentary on Memon & Stevenage on Witness-Memory
Morris Goldsmith & Asher Koriat
Department of Psychology
University of Haifa
Haifa, Israel
Memon & Stevenage (1996) call for a more critical
evaluation of the effectiveness of the Cognitive Interview for
questioning witnesses. In this commentary, we address some general
issues regarding the assessment of memory performance that emerge
from their analysis. Our comments focus on (a) the need for a
careful choice of memory measures and (b) the crucial role of
monitoring and control processes in the strategic regulation of
memory accuracy.
Cognitive interview, errors, eyewitness memory,
facilitated recall, police procedures, questioning, recovered
memories, structured interview.
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