Artour N. Lebedev (1996) About Human Choice in Lefebvre's Model
. Psycoloquy: 7(28) Human Choice (9)
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Psycoloquy 7(28): About Human Choice in Lefebvre's Model
Reply to Lefebvre on Human-Choice
Artour N. Lebedev
Institute of Psychology
Russian Academy of Sciences
There is no need to use a number of axioms to explain the
phenomenon of the "golden section" (0.618) in human binary choice.
This parameter reflects the mean value of the majority of voices under
conditions of uncertainty. A random distribution of choices -- which
may be equiprobable (rectangular), needle-like, or, in the most
common case, near-Gaussian (bell shaped) -- determines the mean value
of dominant choices which differ just slightly from the "golden
section". The negligible difference is about one per cent.
Lefebvre's axiomatic theory stimulates the search for general
quantitative regularities in human choice. The search, which is
based on neurophysiological data like ours, is an alternative one.
It explains certain peculiarities of random choice distributions.
choice; computation; decision theory; ethical cognition;
mathematical psychology; model building; parameter estimation;
probability; rationality.
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