Ronald P. Fisher (1996) Misconceptions in Design and Analysis of
. Psycoloquy: 7(35) Witness Memory (12)
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Psycoloquy 7(35): Misconceptions in Design and Analysis of
Commentary on Memon & Stevenage on Witness-Memory
Ronald P. Fisher
Department of Psychology
Florida International University
North Miami, FL 33181, USA
This commentary addresses two methodological and
interpretational errors found in Memon & Stevenage's (1996) target
article and some of the commentaries on the Cognitive Interview
(CI). First, the Structured Interview is not an appropriate control
group for the CI. Second, the CI does not reduce the accuracy of
eyewitness recall, as was claimed; accuracy rate is as high or
higher for the CI than for control interviews.
Cognitive interview, errors, eyewitness memory,
facilitated recall, police procedures, questioning, recovered
memories, structured interview.
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