Cyril Latimer (1997) Some Remarks on Wholes, Parts and Their Perception
. Psycoloquy: 8(13) Part Whole Perception (1)
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Psycoloquy 8(13): Some Remarks on Wholes, Parts and Their Perception
Target Article be Latimer on Part-Whole-Perception
Cyril Latimer
Department of Psychology
University of Sydney
NSW 2006, Australia
Catherine Stevens
Department of Psychology/FASS
University of Western Sydney, Macarthur
PO Box 555, Campbelltown, NSW 2560, Australia
We emphasize the relativity of wholes and parts in
whole/part perception, and suggest that consideration must be given
to what the terms "whole" and "part" mean, and how they relate in a
particular context. A formal analysis of the part/whole
relationship by Rescher & Oppenheim, (1955) is shown to have a
unifying and clarifying role in many controversial issues including
illusions, emergence, local/global precedence, holistic/analytic
processing, schema/feature theories and "smart mechanisms". The
logic of direct extraction of holistic properties is questioned,
and attention drawn to vagueness of reference to wholes and parts
which can refer to phenomenal units, physiological structures or
theoretical units of perceptual analysis.
analytic versus holistic processing, emergence, feature
gestalt, global versus local precedence part, whole
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