William C. Hoffman, (1998) The Topology of Wholes, Parts and Their Perception-cognition
. Psycoloquy: 9(03) Part Whole Perception (4)
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Psycoloquy 9(03): The Topology of Wholes, Parts and Their Perception-cognition
Commentary on Latimer & Stevens on Part-Whole-Perception
William C. Hoffman,
2591 W. Camino Llano
Tucson, Arizona
USA, 85742-9074
The Latimer & Stevens (1997) target article on wholes,
parts, and their perception is analyzed and extended on the basis
of topology involved in the Lie transformation group theory of
neuropsychology and the symmetric difference model for cognition.
topology, symmetry, transformation groups, invariance,
dialectical psychology
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