Cyril Latimer (1998) Wholes and Parts: Topology, Mereology and Mechanism
. Psycoloquy: 9(31) Part Whole Perception (5)
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Psycoloquy 9(31): Wholes and Parts: Topology, Mereology and Mechanism
Replies to Hoffman, Mortensen and Rakover
on Part-Whole-Perception
Cyril Latimer
Department of Psychology
University of Sydney
NSW 2006, Australia
Catherine Stevens
Department of Psychology/FASS
University of Western Sydney, Macarthur
PO Box 555, Campbelltown, NSW 2560, Australia
Hoffman (1998) and Mortensen (1998) do not appear to be
in disagreement with our general remarks on wholes and parts; they
extend discussion on relevant issues. We challenge Mortensen's
claim that our position is not general by asking for examples of
wholes that fail in any sense to conform to the Rescher &
Oppenheim (1955) conditions. We argue against his view that there
is no need to be over-concerned about the conditions under which
an object X is to be considered as a part of object Y since the
classical part-whole relation is invariant with respect to
decomposition. We remain unconvinced by Rakover's (1998) argument
that a mechanistic approach to whole-part perception cannot be
taken because psychology necessarily lacks the measurement
precision of the physical sciences. We challenge this view, but
also suggest that inability to measure with precision is no excuse
for the proliferation in psychology of vague, imprecise and
ill-defined notions of wholes and parts.
analytic versus holistic processing, emergence, feature
gestalt, global versus local precedence part, whole
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