Keith E. Stanovich (1998) Individual Differences in Cognitive Biases
. Psycoloquy: 9(75) Social Bias (11)
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Psycoloquy 9(75): Individual Differences in Cognitive Biases
Commentary on Krueger on Social-Bias
Keith E. Stanovich
Department of Human Development and Applied Psychology
University of Toronto
252 Bloor St. West
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 1V6
Krueger is right to call for more flexible statistical
methods when evaluating cognitive biases and for a consideration of
individual differences. A programmatic series of studies on
individual differences in rational thought (Stanovich, in press)
illustrates how patterns of covariance among reasoning biases -- as
well as patterns of covariance among biases and indices of
cognitive ability -- can help to reveal when discrepancies between
normative and descriptive models are due to performance errors, to
computational limitations, and to the misapplication of normative
models by experimenters. Patterns of individual differences have
implications for alternative explanations of the gap between
normative and descriptive models of human behavior.
Bayes' rule, bias, hypothesis testing, individual
differences probability, rationality, significance testing, social
cognition, statistical inference
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